Monday, October 16, 2017

Accident & Injury Register as per BLL Rule 2015 for Garments Factory

BLL Rule 2015 - 73) Register of the accidents and Report of half-yearly accidents:

1) Authority of every institute shall preserve the record of each accident or
mishap in the Register in accordance with Form-28. The authority would
also accurately record the steps taken by the institute in relevant Register.

2) The recorded data as per Sub-section (1) shall be submitted to the Inspector
as Half-Yearly Accident Data Report within 10 working days after expiry of 6
months over the records.

Tags: Accident & Injury Register Sample, Accident & Injury Register of Bangladesh Garments Factory, Accident & Injury Register as per BLL 2015, Accident & Injury Register Form, Accident & Injury Register  Form 28,


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